We pride ourselves on working with clients to find innovative solutions to traditional construction problems and applying the latest information technology to help drive efficiencies and reduce waste, without compromising on quality.
About us
Our policies
Our heritage
Who we are
At the heart of our operations is the safe, innovative and cost-effective design and construction of great civil engineering projects.
construction sites UK-wide
directly-employed labour force
office bases
Because we care about our clients, their customers, and the solutions we provide, we’re awarded repeat-business. Clients appoint us to long-term frameworks and call on our services when deadlines are tight, when they need an emergency response, and when the work needs a team of people willing to go that extra mile.
Every year we deliver hundreds of projects across the UK in the water, environmental, industrial building, highways, gas and defence sectors. Check out the expertise pages to see the very best, most interesting and innovative work that JN Bentley, MMB and JBA Bentley have to offer.
Tasked with delivering these projects is our talented team – a group of people who build and maintain lasting relationships with our clients and supply chain, doing so by working collaboratively and in a spirit of openness and honesty.
'Right first time'
We focus on working in a way that makes customer operations safer, more efficient and more sustainable – completing our tasks ‘right first time’, on programme and within budget.
There is a constant drive to find innovative means to traditional engineering problems. We’ve embraced Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) and new technologies such as BIM (Building Information Modelling).
Large, directly-employed workforce
Out on site is our large, directly-employed, highly-trained weekly resource. Directly-employing our own site teams means that everyone understands and is working to the high standards we demand when it comes to health, safety, environmental and quality management. Having such a workforce on board also means we can react more flexibly to the needs of our clients.
It sets us apart.
Support unit
The backbone to our operations is our support unit. Working as one team, we have skilled people proving a raft of services including labour resourcing, training, QES support (quality, environment and safety), HR and payroll, recruitment, learning and development, wellbeing, compliance, finance, IT, communications, digital delivery, bidding and estimating, facilities, procurement, plant and transport.
About us

Supply chain
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