Procurement with purpose
22 local suppliers were invited to our company seminars celebrating 50 years of JN Bentley.

Procurement with purpose
One of the key targets within our 'procurement with purpose' strategy is to work to benefit local communities in collaboration with our supply chain.
About us
Our policies
Who we are
Preserving resources
Procurement with purpose
We make procurement decisions that support causes beyond just the immediate needs and operations of the business.
We have responsible and ethical sourcing requirements which are captured in our company procedures. Our contracts with suppliers require commitment to our Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking statement to ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
We strive to adopt a ‘source local strategy’ to procure goods and services that are local to the projects we deliver, paying them on time in accordance with our supplier payment commitment.
We proactively manage spend to ensure that we have strong representation from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), with a target for spend with SMEs at 70% of our expenditure annually for materials, plant hire and subcontract.
We consistently review our product purchase to seek more sustainable and innovative alternatives with a specific focus on sustainable and low carbon site set-up, reducing single-use plastic in the supply chain, using recycled materials over virgin materials, and reducing all streams of waste and packaging where we can.
About us

Supply chain
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